Install All Android Apps And Games On Pc!!!

Android Platform gives Lots of apps and games Which Windows Lacks in.
SO Nowadays Everyone is just mad for android apps and games and its update releases
 Being an open source project android can be modified easily by downloading the source code.

What if you could run the same Android apps on your PC!!!.

SOunds good??  Then lets begin :

1.So first of all you need to have a pc with following minimum requirements:
a. 1 Gb of ram
b. Win xp,7,8,vista
c. Atleast dual core pentium cpu or an amd xp equivalent cpu

2.Ok then you have to  download a software called as Bluestacks From here

3. Install it.
4. Then open the app player.
5.Download the apps and games u want from the mobile market.
6.If you have the apk files of your apps in your pc ,then just open them with the bluestacks app player.
7. You're Done .Now you are ready to play your apps and games on your PC!!
8. Thank u

If you have problems regarding this Plz comment... :)

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