The Gears of War series takes place on a fictional Earth-like planet named Sera, colonized by humans some time in the series' past. The planet had a history of conflict that took Sera to the brink of destruction. This shocked the people into a rejection of their destructive ways, leading to a golden age of culture, science and the arts, though civil liberties and crime remained troublesome social issues.
The energy demands of Sera's population soon surpassed the planet's traditional energy sources like petroleum and nuclear. A search for new energy sources led to the discovery of Imulsion, a glowing liquid with near-unlimited energy potential found in chambers and veins beneath the planet's surface.
Due to its potential, wars broke out over control of the Imulsion, the largest being a 79-year war between the COG and the Union of Independent Republics (UIR), which ended when COG opted to use its orbital laser weapon, the Hammer of Dawn, to ravage UIR cities. The COG negotiated peace treaties with the remaining collations, becoming the dominant government on Sera.
Shortly after this, the bulk of the population was wiped out by a new threat, sentient creatures called Locust that spewed out from underground and attacked across the planet. The onset became known as Emergence Day.
COG evacuated survivors to Jacinto Plateau, where the hard rock would prevent the Locust from tunneling from beneath. Those humans who could not leave their homes or refused to do so became known as the Stranded. COG then employed a "scorched earth" tactic, turning the Hammer of Dawn against its own cities to deny the Locust any tactical advantages. COG ordered its troops, "Gears", to continue to protect the Plateau while finding ways to end the Locust threat completely.
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