Hey friends as you all know the latest airtel working udp 53 trick but it had a problem . The server in pd proxy(demo server 2) always displayed "Server full!" message . So here is the solution:
Method 1 :
Follow the below steps to solve the "server full !" problem on pd proxy :
1. Make multiple copies of pd proxy
2. Put their shortcuts on desktop
3. In each copy put a unique username and password(in short you need to make multiple accounts on pd proxy)
4. Set the UDP port and connect via demo server 2
5. If it doesnt connet for one copy then try another
You will eventually get connected!
Method 2 :
Follow the below steps to solve the "server full !" problem on pd proxy :
1. Open pd proxy
2. Connect with demo server 1
3. Use 10-20mb data
4. Disconnect
5. Reconnect with demo server 2
Try connecting 2-4 times and you will get connected surely !
Comments will be most welcomed!