Create A Wifi Hotspot On PC in two mins

Hey friends today I am going to tell u a methoed to create a wifi hotspot on your PC so that you can
share your PC's internet connection on your mobile.
There are out there many softwares such as connectify or Mhotspot but they all are not freewares and as a
result there are many restrictions on their triak use.
So I decided to give u a trick to create your own hotspot on your windows PC.

1.Press win key+R
2.Type in the box    cmd(remember u need to run cmd as an admin)
3.First of all we need to chk if your PC supports hosting or not
4.Type netsh wlan show drivers
5.look there if   "hostednetwork supported" is YES then you can
Make the hotspot otherwise no :(.

IF there is YES then fllow these steps

6.type netsh wlan set hostednetwork ssid=yourHotSPotName key=YourPassword   keyUsage=persistent
7.when the above command will complete then type
netsh wlan start hostednetwork

Congratulations!!! :)
you have successfully changed your pc into a hospot.
cmmnts wil be most welcomed